✦ Moon In Sun ✦

a button saying 'site best viewed with a computer monitor.' a button of the transgender flag. a button of the bisexual flag. a button of the firefox logo with the text 'firefox now'. a button saying 'anti nft now.' a button of the internet archive logo and name. a button saying 'dos page' with a little picture of a dos terminal a button for geocities stating 'free home pages at geocities'

a stamp depicting two neon-lit skee ball machines with a score monitor over them. a stamp of a garfield with the text 'you are not immune to propoganda'. a stamp of text that says 'there's more than two genders,' followed by a heart. a stamp of countless blinking eyes. a stamp of the goat's head sigil from the game year walk. a stamp of kouji tagawa from the game world of horror. a stamp of a glitch. a stamp of a salmon with the text 'i am a salmon' over it. a stamp of the title art of rubicon from the game rain world. a stamp of a slugcat, the survivor, from the game rain world. a stamp of the scrubbing bubbles guy with the text 'you have no idea what you're up against' under it. a stamp of gregor samsa from the metamorphosis with the text 'i need to sleep' over him.

Gabriel | He/They/Ey

dubiously gendered thing | chicano

hello! my name is gabriel. i'm a hobbyist artist, musician, writer, and an avid appreciator of machinery. i adore art of all kinds! this is my personal journal and corner of the internet where i want to write about myself, things i like, and post my art and work on personal projects. i post media reviews too about games i've played :)

i'm also making this page to learn html and to leave my own little virtual waystone online!

the music player will change songs a lot, i usually just put what i like to listen to at the time there.

please enjoy your stay!

a bar with little stick figures with shovels with text stating 'under construction'.'


[06/12/2024] happy 1 am ... webmaster page is up
[06/11/2024] LOTS of revisions and ANOTHER review on /2024mr! check out my REALLY LONG article on brc. i love it dearly :)
[05/31/2024] revisions on the review ... fixed some typos here and there too
[05/29/2024] HTML FINAL BOSS DEFEATED. check out my picayune dreams review on /2024mr!
[03/04/2024] page released! check out my media reviews page in writing nav, or in /2024mr
[03/03/2024] hi! working on a new page :)
[12/01/2023] beanie baby REMOVED i'm sorry... she's gonna move to another page though i promise
[11/25/2023] scug :)
[11/06/2023] HELLO..... minor format edits for today! working on some other stuff on the side too
[06/20/2023] habby birthday to me :) changed age, small things, div based writing nav. beanie baby has been restored
[06/19/2023] we are live with the new index !!! i have to change all my other pages now ...
[06/16/2023] continuing work on div based index........
[06/09/2023] oopsie. was not as consistent as i'd like to be. reworking index to be div based instead of table based (on a diff page)
[03/26/2023] writing navigation page created, rearranged some things on the home page
[03/25/2023] more visuals! beanie baby and some stamps were added, as well as a background.
[03/24/2023] first other page created & linked to page! (/machine)
[03/23/2023] site first got development beyond 3 lines of text, basic structure made
[05/14/2022] site created

gif of three fish swimming around in a windows 3 tab, with the tab titled as 'so long...'